
"She loved life and it loved her right back"

The amazing gift of being granted life; one that is filled with possibilities; regardless of circumstances.




A short film that has been globally heralded and has won over 11 international awards. A sour note with a Grande Finale!

"Every little thing can become something great"


 A letter from father to son and the significance + beauty of life from one generation to the next.

"It is in this exchange, accompanied by words of wisdom, that a boy is often called to a life of courage. While aware that everyone's life experience is unique, and often painful, this film focuses on the experience of a boy losing his father and yet retaining the love and passion that was intended for him."


Music Curation: Ryan Taubert
Sound Design: White Noise Lab
Color: Matt Fezz
Letter and Voice Over: James Watson

* Title Heading quote by Kobi Yamada from the book She... published by Compendium Inc.