Mauricio is no stranger to great beauty; in fact, he is quite the ambassador of it. Whether he is within the walls of his well-designed home, or traveling to wonderful destinations; he is able to capture beauty's most magnificent essence.
An architect by profession, Mauricio holds great sensibility for the disciplines of design, interiors, and photography. A few years ago, he created a space for his many discoveries, under the chosen name of Mal de Mar. He describes the project as " An electronic journal where ideas and projects involving art, design, architecture, photography and the art of traveling, merge all together as one, in the name of Beauty."
It is in the name of Beauty indeed, that he is constantly mesmerizing humanity. With an air of nostalgia and mystery, one is given the opportunity to share the journey alongside Mauricio. - This must be why you never see him face the camera; rather, one is given a firsthand view of that which he finds both beautiful and compelling.
Image via MaldeMar
His hands or hair are seen throughout his gallery; whether he is reaching out to nature, reading a good book, or coloring pages filled with vintage trains - which reveals a personality filled with wonder. References of music are usually made, as he matches great track selections to most of his wonderful images; creating a richer experience, appealing to many senses.
Mauricio exercises great caution in order to achieve the perfect balance between capturing the moment, and savoring it as well. One may wonder how many beautiful images and experiences have been left unrecorded; only to be remembered by his always beautiful soul...
You may read more on Mauricio's perspective under this wonderful feature on Yatzer. You may also find his inspiring journal at Mal de Mar and follow his constant inspiration via instagram under @maldemar.