Moved by deep compassion; Vivienne Harr (9 years of age), has demonstrated the beautiful power of one.
Inspired by an image captured by Lisa Kristine (fine art photographer), Vivi entered into the reality and cruelty of child slavery. The photograph depicted two slave children with stone blocks strapped to their heads. Despite the obvious injustice portrayed, this little soul was able to see hope and possibility for these children and many others within a similar reality.
Using whatever resources a child might have; she sprang into action and took a stand to free 500 of these kids; inspiring more people than she could have ever imagined.
The below trailer for a documentary directed by Patrick Moreau and Grant Peelle; gives a greater glimpse into the generosity of this little heart:
During a recent Tedx talk, Miss Vivienne inspired her audience once again. With the authenticity and simplicity characteristic of children; she explained the important mission of ending slavery, and delivered inspiring wisdom.
“compassion is not compassion without action”
Above: The image that stirred compassion within Vivienne's heart; captured by Lisa Kristine, fine art photographer.
Vivi reminds me so much of myself as a young child. When I was seven years old, an earthquake shook one of the biggest cities in the world and as I passed through the rubbish and destruction, I learned compassion just like she did; however, the powerful difference of this young child, lies on her ability to jump into action and teach us that indeed; there is much to be done. §