As I stared out the window during a very rainy morning, I could not help but notice the beauty of water falling over trees, the reflection of colors, shapes and textures on the pavement and gratefulness to know that H2O was abundant.
Before I get too melancholic though, I have to admit that I also had the dreadful thought of having to go out under such conditions. From the fact that my feet would be cold and humid (when not wearing rain boots), to the thought of slippery roads filled with distracted drivers and other petty inconveniences revolving around rain.
As I moved on to prepare breakfast, I could not help but wonder why such a contrast on a very simple and natural phenomenon. Why couldn't I just focus on the first thoughts/scene?
I then figured that we may fall into the trap of failing to see beauty during instances when we find ourselves inconvenienced. Think about someone who has the perfect plan laid out and is suddenly interrupted. The instinctive reaction would be one of disappointment, horror, or disgust. The noble reaction is to be able to perceive how the new circumstances portray beauty.
It is interesting too; how sometimes, even as we might be warned by meteorologists about weather conditions; giving enough time to plan and devise alternate solutions, we still find ourselves unable to accept the change of scenario.
Acceptance then, might be one of the greatest keys. Embracing any obstacle or circumstance and turning it into an opportunity for beauty.
Let go and allow yourself the opportunity to appreciate more. There is much peace to be found within this little dwelling.