I am inspired by the words of great traveler Alan Estrada, as he describes the ocean's powerful beauty:
"The sea inspires in me; so much respect and admiration, it sometimes makes me fearful. Nonetheless; there is so much beauty in it, that it is difficult not to enjoy it.
Witnessing its immensity; home of so many living beings, I cannot help but to make an exercise of humility, and remember how minute we truly are; despite believing otherwise."
"El mar me genera tanto respeto y admiracion, que a veces me da miedo; sin embargo, hay tanta belleza en el, que es dificil no disfrutarlo.
Al ver algo tan inmenso; hogar de tantos y tantos seres vivos; no puedo mas que hacer un ejercicio de humildad y recordar lo diminutos e insignificantes que somos; aunque a veces creemos todo lo contrario."