This month has come to an end, but #thesea remains; waiting to be rediscovered. Whether we watch, as it continues to kiss the shore, or explore its depths; there is much to be grasped about this beautiful body of water...

For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it.
— Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Those who have explored it; have been greatly touched, and therefore invested themselves in protecting its beauty. THE BEAUTY OF EXPLORATION, reveals the wonders of #thesea and inspires us to ponder deeper, about our own place within its vastness. 

Some choose to create beautiful works of art, to express a side of the ocean that words can seldom describe. ZARIA FORMAN is a beautiful example of this, and is able to touch the soul with her large scale pastel drawings.

Music has been composed, words have been written, the sky has reflected its beauty, and throughout it all, the sea continues to touch the shore, as if calling us back, to go deeper into its mystery...

Feel free to share any stories about the ocean, using the hashtag #thesea




I am inspired by the words of great traveler Alan Estrada, as he describes the ocean's powerful beauty:

"The sea inspires in me; so much respect and admiration, it sometimes makes me fearful. Nonetheless; there is so much beauty in it, that it is difficult not to enjoy it.

Witnessing its immensity; home of so many living beings, I cannot help but to make an exercise of humility, and remember how minute we truly are; despite believing otherwise."

"El mar me genera tanto respeto y admiracion, que a veces me da miedo; sin embargo, hay tanta belleza en el, que es dificil no disfrutarlo.

Al ver algo tan inmenso; hogar de tantos y tantos seres vivos; no puedo mas que hacer un ejercicio de humildad y recordar lo diminutos e insignificantes que somos; aunque a veces creemos todo lo contrario."


Words curated by contributor M. Matranga

Ho la sensazione che la mia nave
abbia sbattuto, giù negli abissi
contro un grande ostacolo.

E non succede niente!
Niente ...
Silenzio ... Onde ...

Non succede Niente?
O è che tutto è avvenuto,
e siamo ora, tranquilli, nel nuovo ...

I have a feeling that my boat
has struck, down there in the depths, against a great thing.

And nothing happens! Nothing . . . Silence . . . Waves . . .

Nothing happens? Or has everything happened,
and are we standing now, quietly, in the new life?

-Juan Ramòn Jiménez


The more we know, the more we realize there is to know.
— Silvia Earle

Lately, I have been pondering a lot about the vast outer space, and the depths of the ocean; whether through an eloquent talk by Physicist, Bryan Cox, or an interview of Oceanographer, Silvia Earle. I had began drafting a story on this very topic, and one night; as I resolved to continue the task, a movie began playing on the nearby screen which I found quite fitting.

It was Chasing Mavericks; which I had watched a couple of years ago. The beautiful message and photography captured my heart anew, and I was left thoroughly inspired. As the movie finished, I refocused on the task of writing; only to realize, that the next movie to play would be; Alfonso Cuaron's, Gravity.

There is no coincidence in this beautiful sequence. Both of these touch on the value of life and our vulnerability within two environments; where oxygen is scarce, and survival becomes an act of the will. Both teach us that fear is to be conquered as we forge ahead. The deep ocean and the vast outer space...


Our place within this vastness

As Sylvia Earle (Oceanographer, Aquanaut, and Conservationist) describes; since the middle of the 20th century, we have learned more about the ocean, our place in the universe, and other people. Only about 5% of the ocean has been seen; let alone explored. We don't really understand how it works; yet, we must allow each new discovery to bring us closer to our identity as humanity, and grow in our desire to do what is right and just.

At the same time outer space was being discovered, Sylvia was exploring the depths of the ocean, and I cannot help but marvel at the fact that both of these hold a mysterious character; yet, every time we reach out farther into its vastness, we find out more about ourselves. This in turn increases our appreciation for life, as we remember our own dignity and the value of our own planet.



Exploration and research hold an important and beautiful place within our economy. Silvia Earle shares, that the ocean drives the way the world works. It drives climate, oxygen replenishment, and food change. The ocean is critical to our lives, health and economy.

Bryan Cox in turn, says exploration provides inspiration for engineering achievement, and driving innovation (quantum physics/mechanics). It also provides great perspective on our own identity. Just think of how beautiful it was to witness earth from outer space for the first time.

Two recent visits helped my own pondering in simple, but deeply human ways. The first one; at the 9/11 Memorial Museum, as I listened to a recording from an astronaut that witnessed the event from a space station. He added that despite it all, NYC still looked beautiful, that the entire earth still held much beauty. His words allowed me much perspective.

The second; when I found myself mesmerized by beautiful species, as I paid a visit to the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. I never cease to be amazed at the perfection of all creation, and as I captured an image of medusozoa; gliding about the water, I was filled with wonder and a sense of exploration.

Apart from its beauty and inspiration, the sea plays a critical life-sustaining role. The more we realize this, the better our chances in building a beautiful future.

I invite you to ponder further on this topic and to explore the great beauty that surrounds us.


We will continue the conversation throughout the entire month of September. Join us via email, and social media, as we share about the ocean through writings, music, and art.